To be a Taoist means many things to many people. To be a practitioner of Contemporary Taoism simply means to have realised that we are all minute parts of an indescribably large Whole (the Tao), and to choose therefore to 'Flow Like Water' and live in a spontaneous, natural manner. This blog is about: Personal Growth / Spiritual Development as guided by the principles of Eastern Philosophy, particularly modern philosophical Taoism; Developing constructive habits and achieving success with minimal effort; Meditation - Taoist, Zen or otherwise. See 'What In Lao Tzu's Name is a Contemporary Taoist?'

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Now Online: Contemporary Taoist print articles

You can now read my Contemporary Taoist print articles at LivingNow (the website of the magazine). These were previously only available in the monthly print magazine in Australia.

Go to the Story archive (top menu) and look for them in the right hand sidebar or search for them via the search function. I write under the name Seamus Anthony.

They are not all up yet but a bunch are and the rest soon enough ;-)

Flow Like Water...

Check out my music biz blog.

Check out my meditation website

Download my free music here.


Blogger Implicate Order said...

Hi Seamus,

glad to see you posting something here after a long time. I hope you continue to post some of your insights here?

May I also take the opportunity to invite you to visit a few website that I've started --

This is a site that is based on like-minded people posting articles and discussing topics that deal with Spirituality and Wisdom traditions of the world.

For instance, I have written this article on Tai Chi and how it relates to the Indian discipline of Yoga (in a more esoteric way than is usually handled) --



2:44 am

Blogger Seamus "Moose" Anthony said...

Hi Dwai

and likewise may I invite you to go to and have a read, and then also leave comments as i have set up the online magazine using blog software so you can leave comments.

all the best

3:09 pm


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