Tao of Rest
A Contemporary Taoist knows when to rest. You have to listen to your body. It would have been counter-productive to be trying to jog, build muscles etc. when I was all flubbered up with snot and a fever. Same goes for work. If it is not going to have dire consequences, then it's better to 'chuck a sickie' (as we say in Australia). I used to be one of those masochists who would go to work even if I was half dead with the flu, but no longer. It's a stupid thing to do.
Australian's look out for May's edition of LivingNow magazine. It should be hitting the streets about now. I have an article in it lifted from this blog called 'The Tao of Cats and Dogs'. I hope those of you who can get a copy of the mag enjoy it. For the rest of the (breathlessly waiting) world I will re-post the article in question once the month is history.
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