Headless Tao and Taoless Head
"Bare awareness is your root. It is the source and nourishment and support of your world, the absolute at the center of existence. It has never been otherwise. This awareness is not new. It is eternal. It is what you have always been, unchanged since the day you were born and before."
Headless Tao
This passage reminds me to be grateful for awareness itself, the blessing that comes with meditation and reading Taoist (and other) philosophy. In itself it is the ultimate award. It gives you the ability to see yourself and this life if not 100% as they are then at least a whole lot more clearly.
Looking honestly at myself, and thinking back to what I have written here over the last few weeks, I cannot help but be aware of a major theme of duality-thinking in my life. Even though I read (and spout on) about 'flowing like water' I do not always do so.
Of course to worry about whether I flow is to stem my own flow ... ahem ... aaaanywaaaay, my point is that I tend to get caught up in regretting it when I bugger up my plans (to remain sober, to be super-healthy, to achieve more with my time, etc).
Taoism specifically teaches not to worry about the past, now, or the future. And intellectually I know this to be sage advice - but I need to practice this more. Or at least I want to.
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