To be a Taoist means many things to many people. To be a practitioner of Contemporary Taoism simply means to have realised that we are all minute parts of an indescribably large Whole (the Tao), and to choose therefore to 'Flow Like Water' and live in a spontaneous, natural manner. This blog is about: Personal Growth / Spiritual Development as guided by the principles of Eastern Philosophy, particularly modern philosophical Taoism; Developing constructive habits and achieving success with minimal effort; Meditation - Taoist, Zen or otherwise. See 'What In Lao Tzu's Name is a Contemporary Taoist?'

Friday, March 04, 2005

The TaoChef Kitchen

Interesting site this, although I really don't agree that you have to be a vegetarian to be a Taoist. Are we suggesting that animals who eat meat are not according with the Tao? And check out your teeth - they look kind of geared towards omnivorous activity to me!

Not that there's anything wrong with being a vegetarian....but y'know... eating meat is natural too.

To be a Taoist, after all, is not the same as being a Buddhist.

That's my opinion anyway.


Blogger Unknown said...

Speaking on behalf of animals, since I don't like the idea of being eaten, I can assure you that none of my animal friends want to be eaten, either.

Based on your logic, Mr. Moose, if a bengal tiger broke into your kitchen and gobbled you down with a fine wine, and lump of Brie de Meaux, you could have no cause for complaint. [Of course, it would be difficult for you to complain in your partially digested condition.]

I have drawn a route of attack on my Mercador Projection map for the navy of the huge continent of Greenland to attck the island of Australia the moment a morsel of one of my friends is found in your mouth.


2:49 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have trouble with the concept that the principles of Taoism naturally require that one become a Vegetarian.

Certaintly one can argue that for many people meat consumption is out of balance. (Probably me included) And that the Virtue of Dynamic balance asks us to cut back.

But as you say, humans are clearly Omnivores. Evolved by nature to eat both meat and plants.

I guess in this case being true to our nature puts us in conflict with the principle of being one with all things, being compassionate to even our animal friends.

But isn't this part of the Tao?

11:08 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually after looking at TaoChef site, no I don't think its actually particually interesting or insightful.

In My Humble Opinion, its seems to be more concerned with adhering to somewhat debateable and 'fadish' principles, rather than embracing the simple joy that food can be.

For many people, the act of preparing a delicious meal and then sharing it with their friends is a genuine, simple uncomplicated Joy.

To me this seems far more important than how much spice has been used in its preparation.

12:25 pm

Blogger Seamus "Moose" Anthony said...

Yeah - i have to say I'm down with you there Matthew. I eat in a pretty healthy manner - and i do some crazy dieting at the whim of my chinese doctor sometimes - but for the most part i think you do yourself more harm than good if you worry about the details too much. bottom line is - do you feel well - or ill? And as for meat - i just eat a moderate amount and try to make sure it is organic. i was raised a vegetarian by my hippy parents and it just never suited me - its a biological thing not an ethical thing for me. i have no problem with the ethics of it - apart from modern mass farming of course.

1:05 pm


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